the place for me to ramble about my favourite facts

A teaspoon of a neutron star is so fucking heavy that if you were to try to hold the neutron star spoon you wouldn't be able to because it's 10 million fucking tons

When a star is born it's born from a large cloud of dust and gas called molecular clouds, when gravity eventually causes the cloud to collaspe it creates heat, heat forms the star, forming the juvenile star, which is called a protostar, it eventually starts going through nuclear fusion, which creates hydrogen and helium, which basically is the main sequence portion of their lifespan, next is the red giant, a red giant is a star nearing the end of it's lifespan, basically using it's resources up technically slowly killing itself until eventually becoming a planetary nebula which basically is it just killing itself, once it technically kills itself completely it leaves the core of the red giant, which becomes a white dwarf, a white dwarf eventually becomes a black dwarf which basically is when it's completely dead, like literally it's black, no more light or heat emitting from it, the true end of the star's lifespan