Will be updated whenever I read a story I find amusing or genuine find to be a work of art

My all time favourite creepypasta as of December 4th 2024: The art of Jacob Emory.

Ik technically not a creepypasta, but hey is creepypasta ever defined as it's supposed to anymore, like no one ever says creepypasta in reference to copypasta's weird sibling, everyone I know/knew defined it as creepy internet stories, creepypasta as known in definition is rare in modern internet times. I could't find any other place with Good Doctor Locklear but the creepypasta wiki got our backs. Good Doctor Locklear

Genuinely love this one too, like it's really hard to pick a FAVOURITE creepypasta.Ickbarr Bigelsteine

Technically not a creepypasta, but still a really great story. I was dropped off in the woods for three days. Something inhuman followed me out.

An absolute work of art, beautiful, 10/10 must read it if you want to read something. Kill the Killers (Parody)

Found this and it was a good read. Evergreens in an Endless Autumn